Monday, September 27, 2010


Beating the heat with an ice cream pop. From the Ice cream truck no less. A big hit.
Very serious before his hair cut.
At Hidden Villa riding the tractor.
David thinks he owns the pool deck as this strut suggests.
Dad the water taxi.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Pool time

First carnival ride.
Serious computer time, very serious.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Father's Day and 4th of July in LA

Mischief in the making
Getting ready for L.A.
Reading with G.G. & PaPa
GO Giants!!!


Out to dinner in NH.
Our good friends the Bolands joined us in NH and here is their daughter Georgia with David. Cheeeeeesssssseeeeeeeee!
Kick back.
Entertaining us on the drive to NJ.
Mom and David enjoying the Jersey Shore.

NH & Boston

Our apologies as we realize its been a long time since our last post. These are pics from our trip back east in early June. We started in Boston, then NH and ending up on the Jersey Shore.

David and Gabrielle on Lake Winnipesaukee

On a walk in Boston's Arnold Arboretum
This way!

3 generations of Sala men. Note the similar expressions and headware shared by David and his abuelo.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Day at the Beach

We spent Saturday in Santa Cruz with our friends Ross, Erin and Kate. Beautiful day.

Out cruising for groceries.
Put me in coach.

Spring 2010

King of the Castle
Chasing pigeons at Stanford Shopping Center.
A few pics of David appreciating the flowers and his mother.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Playing With the Big Boys

David likes to think he is much older than he is at the park. Much older.

More in his element.
Bear Hug

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Park Visit

David has the team photo pose down already

Temporarily distracted by a bird, dog or child at play.
What a save!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

David's First Haircut

Unsuspecting Victim.
Starting to catch on.
Not happy.
Looking sharp.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

David Walking and Gardening Video

David Feeling Better

As most of you are aware, David has been pretty sick since the last weekend of January. Gabrielle and I appreciate all your thoughts and wishes and are happy to report that David is doing much better. Some proof below.

Love of plants must be genetic.
Pearly whites.

David versus yogurt