Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sala's - The Next Generation Continued

Sala's - The Next Generation

PJ, Patrice, Desi and Mateo were up from LA and as always it was great to see them. Safe to say Desi and Mateo enjoyed their young cousin.

David thinks he can walk. 6.5 months

David is FAR more interested in walking than crawling.

Sleeveless disclaimer: 102 degrees at time of photo

Beep Beep

The word for mischievous in Spanish is "picaro." See below

Loves, "driving" the car.

Beating the heat.
Multitasking in Tahoe

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Food, fun and sun

Looking at me?
The future's so bright . . . .
Hooray Blueberries!
Early morning trip to the park, thus the pajamas.
Coming right at you.