Sunday, March 22, 2009


Monkey See Monkey Do
Just like Mommy
and just like Daddy
Babe Ruth
Here's lookin' at you, kid

March Madness

Sorry David, maybe next year

St. Patty's Day

Thank God I'm SpIrish! (SpanishIrish)
Having lunch with the Boak ladies

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good Times

Is this what
a good night's sleep feels like?!?!
Magic Pillow Ride
You got me Uncle Erik!
with GGrandpa Wes & GGrandma Jean

D.W. Sala

Peace, Bath, & Bottle

Just like my Grandpa Phil
and Personal

Hittin' the Road

That way please


on Mom
I'm a teddy bear

Caught sucking my thumb
You didn't just see that!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun with Mom

Thanks for the outfit Aunt Teresa.

Spring has arrived
Tulips brought to you by Gabrielle

Bath Time

David loving the bubble bath
maybe too much
it's over?
all cleaned up

Tummy Time

Lifting the head

Did you see what I did?

Taking a breather

Saturday, March 7, 2009

David & Friends

with Heather and Gannon a few weeks ago
Ladies night with Abby, Cecilia and Paulina
Drinking in the Napa Valley with Sarah
Celebrating a belated 80th birthday with Great Grandma Jean